Master Class 1
How to structure a co-investment fund to attract finance from the EIF European Investment Fund
4 hours
empowered by case study
by Cyril Gouiffès, Impact Investment Manager @ European Investment Fund, Luxembourg
The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) estimates a market of US$114 billion in impact investing assets, US$22.1 billion of which was committed in 2016. The expected growth in commitment in 2017 is 25.9%. The supply of impact capital is expected to rise, but so far, impact investment’s share in global financial markets is estimated to be only around 0.2% of global wealth. If this share rises to 2%, it could mean over US$2 trillion invested in impact-driven assets. Some 1,500 asset managers, with combined assets of over US$62 trillion, have signed on for the six United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, while the larger definition of sustainable investment encompasses an estimated total of US$21.4 trillion.
The European Investment Fund (EIF) is going to deliver a special master class on how investors can develop co-investment funds to attract European Investment Fund (EIF) finance. The master class will be given by Cyril Gouiffès, Impact Investment Manager at the European Investment Fund in Luxembourg. It will include a real case study from Croatia. At the end of the master class, Renata Brkic and her team will share their experience raising EIF finance for their social impact fund. Brkic raised €15 million for the social impact fund she and her team are launching in 2019. Brkic leads the Global Impact Investors Committee of the World Business Angels Investment Forum and chairs the Impact Investment Summit at the World Congress of Angel Investors.
EIF-managed financial products for social impact investing will be presented, specifically, (i) the Social Impact Accelerator (SIA) and (ii) EFSI social impact instruments:
(i) SIA is a vintage 2013 social impact fund-of-funds of EUR 243m with 11 investments in its portfolio to date.
(ii) EFSI social impact instruments are part of the European Union growth plan to foster social innovation in the EU by financially supporting social SMEs through accelerators and incubators, social impact bond schemes and co-investments with business angels.
Master Class 2
New Methodologies to Pick Winners When Angel Investing in Blockchain Powered Projects
4 hours
empowered by case study
by Brad Bulent Yasar, Founder of the Global Blockchain Consortium, USA
This master class is designed to share best practices in early-stage investing in startups in the blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Master Class will cover best practices on conducting due diligence on the business model, legal issues, founders, technology and growth strategies of blockchain projects to reduce investment risks. The master class will allow participants to become more confident with doing an initial assessment of blockchain projects and better understand the red flags to watch for.
Master Class 3
Developing a Co-investment Structure for Government Agencies to Convert Public Finance to Smart Finance
4 hours
empowered by case study
by Baybars Altuntas, Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, Turkey
Promoting innovation and invention requires easy access to finance and financial services that facilitate investment. Latest research shows that there are more than 400 million formal and informal micro, medium, and small enterprises worldwide generating more than 40% of world’s GDP. According to the World Bank Enterprise Surveys, many of these companies emphasize that limited access to finance is one of their main constraints to growth. Angel investments, as an innovative source of finance (according to G20 from July 2018), are recognized as a sustainable measure for innovation and the entrepreneurship ecosystem. How can EU countries include more public money to early stage investment markets? What would be the best pathway to connect know-how, mentorship, and the network of angel investors to support financial freedom for start-ups, scale-ups and high-growth businesses? How can we convert the public finance to smart finance in co-operation with angel investors?
Master Class 4
Setting up an Angel Investment Fund for Startups and Scaleups
4 hours
empowered by case study
by Baybars Altuntas, Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, Turkey
This master class is designed to explain how an angel investment group can set up a fund so that the angel investors can invest collectively into a group of portfolio companies. It covers the different fund structures that can be used, as well as regulation, legal issues, the financial model and tax considerations. It also explains how to manage a fund including the roles involved, managing the deal pipeline and portfolio and how to resolve problems that arise. It also discusses the difference in returns that an angel investor should expect from investing in a fund versus investing directly in companies.
What is the next big thing in angel investing? The answer to that is already clear. Angel investors are taking on the behaviours of the other major grouping of professional investors in private companies, namely venture capitalists. This master class will explain how angel investment groups, syndicates and even individuals are now developing angel investment funds as vehicles through which they can pool monies to invest.
• Structuring the Fund
• Preparing Executive Summary for Investors
• Commitment Letters
• Fundraising process for the Fund
• Preparing LP Agreement
• Launching the Fund
• Administration of the Fund
• Processing the return of investment to fund investors
• Closing the Fund
Master Class 5
New Roles for Banks in Boosting Innovation and Startup Economy: Developing Co-investment Structures with Angel Investors
4 hours
empowered by case study
by Baybars Altuntas, Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, Turkey
Governments are increasingly interested in entrepreneurship because of its key role in driving business innovation. While entrepreneurs face several common challenges, including developing business and making connections with experts and mentors, often their greatest challenge is raising capital. Entrepreneurs’ emerging technologies are frequently viewed as too risky for banks, private equity firms and venture capitalists, yet many fledgling companies require more investment to grow than can be raised from friends and family. The most important problem for banks is that they are being squeezed by having to keep pace with changes in customer (entrepreneurial) behaviour. What is the exact place of banks in start-up economy? How can banks as risk averse institutions support innovation? Are angels competing with banks in funding entrepreneurs?
Master Class 6
Setting up an angel investment group empowered by case study
4 hours
empowered by case study
by Baybars Altuntas, Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, Turkey
This master class is designed to address the issues relating to setting up an angel investment group. It explains why angel investors are usually better to invest in a group including the evolution of angel investment groups. It describes the angel investment ecosystem, including its different elements and the issues that arise when setting up a group. It covers how to set up a group, including setting the business plan and how to fund the group. Issues covered include finding screening, showing and managing deals. It also discusses other activities angel investment groups undertake such as angel investor and entrepreneur training.
It is designed both for angel investors and for organisations such as government agencies, we cover all the aspects around angel investment groups, as well as how the desire for angel investors to form into groups tends to emerge. It includes a useful section on the angel investment ecosystem, including its different elements, the types of group that can be created (including suggested structures) and the issues that arise when setting up a group. It addresses issues such as identifying the capacity for angel investment which will underpin how much demand there is for groups and syndicates.
This master class gives practical advice on how to set up, including setting the business plan and how to fund the group, as well as running it day to day. Issues covered include finding screening, showing and managing deals. It also discusses other activities angel investment groups undertake such as angel investor and entrepreneur training. By the time you have absorbed the information in this webinar you will be able to both set up a group but also convince other angel investors to join you and have a strategy for funding it so it is commercially viable.
• Statistics on raising investment
• Forming a group - advantages and disadvantages of the different options
• Organisational structıre of an angel group / Angel Investor Members - BAN Manager / Lead Investor
• Budgeting a BAN
• Work flow of an angel group: From deal screening to investment
• Understanding the legal frameworks
• Setting syndicate rules
• Creating the deal pipeline
• Showing deals to investors
• Post commitment follow up